Reading Keel again (Learning Things: September 11, 2023)

Here's a quick update on what I've been up to lately:
Paranormal research
I took a bit of a break from Keel's stuff after reading Operation Trojan Horse earlier this year, but I've been reading Strange Creatures from Time and Space by John Keel, which I'm enjoying. I just finished the chapter on winged cats.
I also recently made a small update to my digital garden, though I'm behind on tending that in general.
In case you're wondering what's happening in the saga of my Framework laptop: I finally bit the bullet and bought a new mainboard. Now it's working great, aside from some thermal issues. (Which are unfortunate, but not really a surprise.) I'll probably do a longer writeup or two about this, since I've got plenty to say about both this device and (the glories of) user-repairable tech.
But for now, suffice to say: the machine is running great, and because I've been using it to work while traveling, the new mainboard nearly paid for itself just during my recent Labor Day weekend trip to North Carolina. So overall, I'm happy.
I've made . . . very little . . . progress lately when it comes to writing. Work's been busy, so most of my focus has been there. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of writing over the next few weeks.
That's what I've got this week. I'm hoping to drop a new podcast episode on Friday, though we shall see. Things have been a bit chaotic around here lately, so my release schedule has been more loosey-goosey than usual.