Blog Fluffy Ghosts: Allan Kardec's Orders of Spirits An 1850s spiritualist classification of various spirits.
Blog On mylar balloons and forgotten futures Some thoughts about mylar balloons, what they represent in the paranormal, and what else they might mean in terms of our world and our future.
Blog Following a vintage automatic writing planchette ad down a rabbit hole Digging into the backstory of an ad in Mystic magazine.
Blog Magical days for UFOs and witches What day are you most likely to see a UFO or other magical things?
Episodes The 1897 UFO Flap in North Texas In 1897, a series of mysterious airships were sighted all around the United States. This is a look at the flap in general, with a particular focus on some of the North Texas UFO sightings.
Blog Thoughts on some Victorian aliens Musings about the appearance of the airship crews during the 1897 UFO flap.
Blog Starting the biodata sonification build (Learning Things: April 10, 2023) Biodata sonification supplies and Erik Satie-inspired automatic drawings.
Blog I asked ChatGPT to create and code paranormal investigation gear for me I wouldn't say that it went "well."
Blog Bibliomancy-inspired thoughts about perception and meaning How do our own expectations shape what we perceive as reality? How do we give meaning to the things we're presented with? As usual, I don't know, but I'm ready to speculate wildly.
Blog Screaming plants (Learning Things: April 3, 2023) Thoughts on plant communication and an attempt at automatic drawing.
Blog DIY REM pod initial build (Learning Things: March 27, 2023) Things I learned and made this week (including an initial DIY REM pod build.)
Blog Why is it "easier" to capture paranormal evidence using analog tools? Thoughts on digital ghost hunting tools like the Ovilus.
Blog Accidentally overriding reality: untrustworthy and automatically faked photos If smartphone cameras are increasingly depicting "idealized" images of the world, smoothing out anomalies and removing variations from what an computer might consider "normal," what does that mean for paranormal photography?
Blog How I learn things (Learning Things: March 20, 2023) Some things I want to learn, including how to make DIY paranormal investigation gadgets.
Blog Taking pictures of ghosts: Polaroids, instant photography, and paranormal investigation Instant photography has become increasingly popular when trying to photograph ghosts—but can we trust it?
Blog Spirit boxes, radios, and analog ghost hunting I'd like to explore different popular ghost hunting tools through the lens of nostalgia. First up: the spirit box.
Blog Ghost hunting as nostalgia What could be more nostalgic than ghost hunting? You're going through old, ruined places and looking for either the shades of the past, nature spirits, or some other lost and ineffable thing.
Blog When ghosts feel more real than daily life Lately, I've been thinking that nostalgia may be a major driver of why people are into the paranormal. The act of hunting ghosts and interacting with the unknown is an opportunity to connect with a reality that exists beyond a computer or smartphone screen.
Episodes Local spirits, ghosts of the living, and haunted churches (Insights from Consorting with Spirits: Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies by Jason Miller) I really get into it in this one! The stated goal of this episode is to talk about some fascinating takeaways from Consorting with Spirits: Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies by Jason Miller. However, get ready for many digressions about my own paranormal experiences.